Some kids pick flowers for their moms. Mine picks up stones.
Whether we are taking a walk around the block or exploring a nature trail, our pockets come home a little heavier with rocks and stones J hand selects for us.
Some C and I drop and leave outside. (How many concrete bits do we really need?)
But others we save.
Both C and I have held on to some of these stones. We cherish them for what they symbolize:
:: our little nature lover
:: hand-picked gifts for mama and daddy
:: his idea of what is beautiful
I'm reminded of these stones as J cheerfully greeted another milestone today.
As I stood outside his classroom door today, my jaw dropped as he bustled in, said hello to his teacher, and hung his backpack up. When he wandered past the door again, I leaped in and asked for a goodbye kiss.
I asked for the kiss that last year he would never let me leave without.
Thanks again to Stephanie of Adventures in Babywearing for sharing this idea for back-to-school pictures.
Thanks again to Stephanie of Adventures in Babywearing for sharing this idea for back-to-school pictures.